融润展柜与Queen May珠宝的璀璨之旅
美国新泽西州的Queen May珠宝,是时尚与艺术的完美结合,闪耀着历史的韵味。而在其背后,有一个不可或缺的合作伙伴——中国顶尖的商业空间集成服务商——融润展柜。他们携手共舞,共同演绎了一场珠宝的璀璨之旅。
Queen May jewelry from New Jersey, USA, is a perfect combination of fashion and art, shining with historical charm. Behind it, there is an indispensable partner - China's top commercial space integration service provider - RonRun Showcase. They danced hand in hand and performed a dazzling journey of jewelry together.
美国新泽西州的Queen May珠宝店灰金的配色、复古气息的墙纸,到精心挑选的粉色绒面家具,可以看出每一个细节,都经过融润展柜精心策划,天花和暴露的管道全部涂成了黑色,让整个视觉集中于店铺和产品上。这种设计手法巧妙地突出了珠宝的璀璨光芒,让每一件珠宝都成为空间的焦点使整个空间散发出女性化的柔美与复古的韵味。而粉色绒面椅子和沙发则满足了女性顾客的消费心理,为她们提供了一个舒适、温馨的休憩空间。这不仅增加了顾客的停留时间,更为销售赢得了宝贵的机会。
The Queen May jewelry store in New Jersey, USA, has a gray and gold color scheme, retro-style wallpaper, and carefully selected pink suede furniture. It can be seen that every detail has been carefully planned by RonRun showcases, and the ceilings and exposed pipes are all painted The color black is used to focus the entire vision on the store and products. This design technique cleverly highlights the dazzling light of jewelry, making each piece of jewelry the focus of the space and exuding a feminine, soft and retro charm. The pink velvet chairs and sofas satisfy the consumer psychology of female customers and provide them with a comfortable and warm resting space. This not only increases the customer's stay time, but also wins valuable sales opportunities.
作为商业空间设计领域“佼佼者”的融润展柜,深谙营销之道。在细节处理和材料选择上,一直展现出卓越的专业素养,这不仅让Queen May珠宝店得到了该有的展示效果,更为商业空间注入了独特艺术的灵魂,确保展柜与珠宝的风格相得益彰。
As a "leader" in the field of commercial space design, RonRun showcase is well versed in marketing. In terms of detail processing and material selection, it has always shown excellent professionalism. This not only allows Queen May jewelry stores to obtain the display effects they deserve, but also injects a unique artistic soul into the commercial space to ensure that the styles of the display cabinets and jewelry complement each other.
美国新泽西州的Queen May珠宝店设计理念是超越了单纯商业考量的。商业与艺术完美融合,通过精心的设计、巧妙的布局和个性化定制,为珠宝品牌打造绝佳的展示平台。这种理念不仅突显了珠宝的独特魅力,更为有效地传递了品牌的价值和故事,拉近了品牌与顾客之间的距离。
The design concept of the Queen May jewelry store in New Jersey, USA, goes beyond purely commercial considerations. The perfect integration of business and art, through careful design, clever layout and personalized customization, creates an excellent display platform for jewelry brands. This concept not only highlights the unique charm of jewelry, but also more effectively conveys the value and story of the brand, shortening the distance between the brand and customers.
相比于传统的珠宝展示方式,美国新泽西州的Queen May珠宝店的展柜设计更注重营造视觉享受的魅力。融润展柜运用巧妙的布局、独特的创意和精致的细节处理,创造出令人惊叹的视觉效果。无论是错落有致的展柜设计、璀璨夺目的灯光效果,还是精致典雅的装饰元素,都为顾客带来了极致的视觉享受。
Compared with the traditional way of displaying jewelry, the display cabinet design of the Queen May jewelry store in New Jersey, USA, pays more attention to creating the charm of visual enjoyment. RonRun showcase uses ingenious layout, unique creativity and exquisite detail processing to create stunning visual effects. Whether it is the well-proportioned showcase design, the dazzling lighting effects, or the exquisite and elegant decorative elements, they all bring the ultimate visual enjoyment to customers.
美国新泽西州的Queen May珠宝店项目的成功,蕴涵着陈列艺术深层次的思考和实力。融润展柜20000㎡的现代化生产基地,展现出卓越的专业水准。这种对细节的极致追求,即有优质木材、金属和玻璃等原材料品质保障的体现,又有结合先进的激光切割、CNC加工、抛光和电镀等工艺的创新实力。在满足了商业需求的同时,更让顾客沉浸在珠宝的璀璨世界中。而这,也是Queen May选择融润展柜的原因。
The success of the Queen May jewelry store project in New Jersey, USA, embodies deep thinking and strength in display art. RonRun showcase has a modern production base of 20,000 square meters, showing excellent professional standards. This ultimate pursuit of details is reflected in the quality assurance of raw materials such as high-quality wood, metal and glass, and the innovative strength of advanced laser cutting, CNC processing, polishing and electroplating processes. While meeting business needs, it also allows customers to immerse themselves in the dazzling world of jewelry. And this is also the reason why Queen May chose RonRun showcase.
As the world's top commercial space integration service provider - RonRun Showcase. Over the past 23 years, it has been providing professional and high-quality services to well-known domestic and foreign luxury brands, jewelry, museums and other industry customers, and spreading "seeing RonRun, seeing smiles" to every corner of the world, becoming It is an integral part of the world's business space and drives the entire industry forward.
At present, RonRun showcases have served more than 70 countries and regions around the world and have won widespread praise and trust.